- The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development.
- To implement the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged.
- On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields
- Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies
- To work as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sectors in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
- Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to farmers.
In addition, KVK would produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and make it available to farmers, organize frontline extension activities, identify and document selected farm innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programmes within the mandate of KVK.