Action Photos 2024-25
FLD on management of neck blast in rice
OFT on two different ethno-veterinary formulation for treatment of lumpy skin disease in cattle
FLD on turkey farming for sustainable livelihood
Celebration of world food day
Celebration of mahila kisan diwas
Live telecast of 18th installment release of PM Kisan Samman nidhi Yojana in the KVK campus
National launch of swachhata hi seva campaign
Ek ped maa ke nam celebration at Mahidharapada village
Vocational training on spawn production techniques and cultivation technology on paddy straw mushroom cultivation
Vocational training on preparation of different bio pesticides and use of bio control agents
Vocational training on formation and management of FPOs under SCSP
Live streaming of Nation Wide launch of National Pest Surveillance System(NPSS)
Celebration of independence day
19th parthenium week celebration
Vocational training on preparation and application on Ethenoveterinary medicine for some important diseases of live stock
Training on Natural Farming
Farmer and farm women training on Humidity mgmt in paddy straw mushroom
Celebration of Akshaya Tritiya
Live Telecast of PM Kisan Sammelan on dt 18.06.2024 in KVK campus
Live telecast programme of 17th intallment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana in presence of Honb’le Minister Sj. Jual Oram, Trinbal Affairs, GOI
Release of books in 21th SAC meeting
Felicited 40 nos. Safai Mitra on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti
Demonstration on nitrogen mgmt in scented rice
Demonstration on medium duration HYV rice kalinga dhan-1203
Demonstration on growth performance of monosex GIFT tilapia through the use of floating feed
Demonstration of power operated finger millet thresher for threshing finger millet
Celebration of National Farmers Day
Convergence meeting for stake holders of FPOs
Integrated mgmt module of virus disease in cucumber
IS training for preparation of nutriguide
RY training on enterpreneurship development on oyster mushroom
RY training on nursery raising technique for QPM production
Assessment on sustainable value added products from oyster mushroom
Action Photos 2023-24
Celebration of Akshyatritiya
Celebration of world environment day
Farmers & farm women training contingent crop planning to metigate different types of drought condition
Farmers & farm women training in vermi compost production by using spent mushroom substrate
Rural Youth training in pig farming
Assessment of INM in rice fieldpea paira cropping system
Farmers & Farm women training on humidity management in paddystraw mushroom cultivation
Celebration of parthenium awareness week
OFT on Ethno Veterinary formulation for treatment of lumpy skin disease in cattle
Farmer and farm women training on nutritional gardening
FLD on dewarming and supplement feeding on body wt gain of goat kid
FLD on probiotic supplementation on growth of chicken
Improved techniques for cultivation of paddy straw mushroom using scrumpled straw
OFT on assessment of improved techniques for cultivation of paddystraw mushroom using scrumpled straw
Training feeding and health management in goats
Training on clean milk production
Training on poultry vaccines and methods of vaccination
Training on storage loss minimization techniques
Celebration of World Food Day
Celebration of Mahila Kisan Diwas
Visit of Dr Man Singh Director Directorate of Rice Development_govt_of_india_patna
Clebration of World fishery day
Assessment of low cost feed formulation for semi intensive poultry
Assessment of value addition of finger millet
Assessment on management of fall army worm in maize
Assessment on the performance of FPOs with varied level of task and commodity to enhance the net return of thefarmers
Collaborative programme with DDH Angul
Demonstration fingerling production of IMC in seasonal ponds (SCSP)
Demonstration on management of wilt complex in brinjal
Demonstration on Natural Farming
Demonstration on oyster mushroom cultivation(SCSP)
Deonstration on stunted fingerling rearing in seasonal ponds
District level project launching workshop center of excellence for FPOs
Farmers and Farm Women training
Field visit of JDE, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
Mehod demonstration of SCSP programme
Rural Youth Training in KVK campus
Training on natural farming
Training programmes for PCOs
Vikshit Bharat Sankalp Yatra participation
Action photos 2022-23
Celebration of Azadiki Amruta Mahotshab
Celebration of international animals day
Celebration of World Environment Day
IPDM in nurseries during kharif
FLD on management of wilt complex in brinjal
FLD on fingerling production of Indian major carps in seasonal ponds under SCSP
Assessment of different probiotics on the growth performance of IMC fingerlings
FLD on growth performance of Monosex GIFT Tilapia through the use of floating feed
OFT on sheath blight in rice
FLD on probiotic supplementation on growth performance of chicks
FLD on replacement of amur carp in composite carp culture
In serive training on recent advances in aquaculture technologies
Integrated pest management in kharif paddy
Training programme on online marketing avenues for agri commodities by Mrs Pragati Gokhale
IPDM in solanaceous vegetables
Live telecast programme on Garib Kalyan Yojana
Management of different insects pests in maize
Taining on feeding and health mgmt in goat
Training programme on pond management practices
Workshop on Aromatic and Medicinal plant at PMIT, Talcher
Celebration of Poshan Abhiyan & Plantation programme
Improved management practices in backyard poultry(SCSP)
Celebration of Mahila Kisan Diwas
Celebration of World Food Day
Live Telecast of Kisan Sammelan at NewDelhi
Training of Krushi Unnat Sahayogi (KUS) students
Celebration of Mandia Divas
Honble VC visited KVK campus
Honble VC visited farmers field
Hon’ble VC attended a farmers fair under Jal Shakti Abhiyan
Celebration of National fish farmers day
Celebration of world soil day
District level R E linkage meeting
Inservice training on Collection and preservation and despatch of clinical samples and laboratory analysis
Inservice training on Recent advances in Aquaculture Technologies
Method demonstration on bee keeping
Rural youth training programme
Training & awareness of pump technician & farmers
Training on integrated disease management in chilli
Training on Need based safe use of pesticides
Training programme under SCSP
Vocational training on layer poultry farming
Action photos 2021-22
Assessment of sheath blight in rice
Training for farmers and farm women
Training programme for farmers and farm women
Vocational training on honey bee rearing
Post harvest implements and tools developed by ICAR-CIFT
Poshan Abhiyan and tree plantation programme
Quality input support of SCSP programme
Vocational training on women empowerment processing & value addition of fruits and vegetables
FLD on Teat Deep formulation prevention & control Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
OFT on low cost concentrate mixture to attain correct time puberty in CB Heifers
Leaflet distribution in PCRA workshop
Input distribution of SCSP programme
Honey bee rearing under SCSP programme
FLD on IWM mgmt in mustard
Farmers fair of SCSP programme
celebration of ouat foundation day
Celebration World fishery day
Celebration of World soil day
Celebration of World pulse day
Celebration of mahila kisan divas
Celebration of international year of millet
Celebration of international womens day
Assessment of value addition of finger millet
Farmer & farm women training of SCSP programme
Farmer and farm women training ICAR-CIFT
Exposure visit under SCSP
Action photos 2020-21
ASCI Training programme on Poultry
Awareness programme on Fall Army Worm
Celebration of Agriculture Education Day
Celebration of Constitution Day
Celebration of International Women Day
Celebration of Jal Shakti Abhiyan
Celebration of Kisan Vigyan Divas
Celebration of National Unity Day
Celebration of Vana mohotsava
Celebration of Vigilance awareness week
Celebration of Women in Agriculture Day
Celebration of World Food Day
CFLD – Visit of T5 Nodal officer to G.nut field
Collector & District Magistrate in Akshaya Tritiya Celebraion
Collector & District Magistrate Visiting KVK stall in Panipanchayat Exhibition
Collector & District Magistrate at World Soil Day
Farm Innovator felicitated during ISC
Farm women awarded during OUAT Foundation Day
Farmer at Innovators meet
Farmers at PPV&FR programme
Field Day in collaboration with CHES
FLD on eco friendly management of borer complex in pigeon pea
FLD on Fingerling raising
FLD on hydroponic maize fodder production
FLD on improved backyard poultry farming (Kadaknath)
FLD on integated management practices against litchi borer
FLD on integrated management for sucking pests in okra
FLD on Management of Tea Mosquito bug in cashew apple
FLD on nutritional garden
Live telecast – Hon’ble P.M. address during Pasu Arogya Mela
Live telecast – PM address during Potato Conclave
OFT on azoxystrobin for management of root rot in greengram
OFT on integrated management practices for BPH and WBPH in rice
OFT on Puntius gonionotus
OFT on value added products of green mango
Plantation programme inaugurated by ADM, Angul
Practical exposure of farmers at apiary during the vocational training
Programme on Balanced Use of Fertilizer
QRT Team visit to KVK, Angul
Rural youth training on integrated pest and disease management in groundnut
Rural youth training on value addition in milk
Training on disease management in dairy animals
Training on use of neem and neem based pesticides
Training on value added products of mushroom
Training programme on Poultry under Mission Shakti